Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Are you there world? It's me, Sarah.

Well it's been almost a year since I've written on here ((what would my teacher say!)) and soOoOo much has changed in my life since graduation. I did in fact end up getting the Sales Supervisor job at Macy's ((Hooray!!)) and have since moved on to Sales Manager..which means more responsibility which means more pay ( :] ) which also means I'm salary ( :[ ). RTW was lots of fun and I looooved being able to basically play with clothes all day and my associates were fantastic, even though there were some "opportunities" <--- Macy's code for not so good. However, once all the excitement fades you learn quite a bit about retail and all it entails. For those of you who are currently working in retail or are considering a position in the field or wish to study it in school I must say, it is NOT for the faint of heart. Also, to keep your sanity, you have GOT to learn to be able to focus on work and nothing else when you're at work and then once you leave, just turn it off. Leave work at work and personal stuff at home. It's very hard, it's an adjustment to life, and it's not something that will happen overnite. Furthermore, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many people at your disposal who can help you and give you tips that you may not have thought of.

I do miss RTW ((I'm now in Men's and Fine Jewelry)) because it was fun, fashion forward, and quite honestly I was GOOD at it. Now my job is scary because I'm in different departments of the store that I'm not picking up as quickly, that I'm not as confident in, that I don't immediately know the answers to all the questions. Which is unnerving and frustrating for me. I mean after all, I AM a Stephens Woman and we're supposed to be OUTSTANDING in all we do, right? I just have to remember that I'm good at what I do, I'm smarter and more able than I think I am, and changing my perception will make a world of difference.

I am also getting ready to move into my 1st apartment in August!! :D I won't be alone ((whew)); I'll be moving in with my sister and her current roommate and her ADORABLE cat, Tiger. Which me getting my new apartment means I'm spending money on everything Martha Stewart ((Thanks, Macys!)) to pimp out my place..that I don't even have yet. I honestly won't be spending aLOT of time there since I'm working more and it will only get busier ((can we say Black Friday :S )). But if I can come home and have everything exactly as I want it and just be able to relaaaaax, I will be a very happy girl indeed.

Also, the best news of all, is that I have a new boyfriend. Yaaaaay!<3! But this isn't just any boyfriend..oh no. This is the BEST. He thinks I'm amazing and smart and beautiful and funny..and he's probably right. ;) Every day that I have that is stressful or annoying or just makes me think this is SO not worth it, I just think of him and I'm automatically relaxed, calm, and thankful. Which, if you knew me at all, is a pretty big darn deal. You may be thinking, Ok Sarah, why would you put something about your personal life on a blog that's on professional websites. That's just silly! Well I'll tell you why. Because we all need important people in our lives that make us feel wonderful, that believe we can touch the stars if we want to, that will love us at our absolute worst. THEY are what makes everything worth it. I know that money makes the world go round and we all have to work, but jobs will always be there. Family&friends&significant others won't. Only you can decide what your priorities are. I will do my darndest to be the absolute best [job title] that I can possibly be. But the second I have no personal/social life and do nothing but work, I need to rethink what I'm doing.

Balancing life and work is an ongoing battle that I guarantee noone has perfected. All I'm trying to do is do my job to the best of my ability so it can lead me to my next one, enjoy my family while we're all still here, and enjoy the love of my life as much as I can. Whatever brings you joy is what you should focus on.

Don't take life too seriously, noone ever gets out alive anyway. [: Have an OUTSTANDING day!!

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