Friday, July 9, 2010


So since I've graduated from college I've been searching hardcore for a job..I have a spreadsheet of over 25 jobs that I have applied or need to apply to. I was starting to get in panic mode because it's been almost 2 months and I still have no source of income!! Except for my lovely parents of course. (: But at this age, I should be self-sufficient, right?? Yea..that's what I thought too.

So THANKFULLY I received a call about coming in to interview with Macy's. Score!! I knew from researching that particular store that all they had was on-call positions..which quite honestly was fine with me because I could find another part-time job and be good to go. My first interview went fantastic but my interviewer told me she had no full-time positions available. Well, rats. BUT, she tells me, we have a position open for a Sales Supervisor position, basically an assistant manager of a department. Holy c-iz-ow, that's awesome!! But, um, I've never managed anything before. :/ But, I've done similar tasks and I'm a Stephens Woman, so I can handle anything!! :D Besides, if someone thinks, after only speaking with me for a few minutes, that I'm right for the job, then I guess I am. :)

So I then had to have a 2nd interview with the store manager, Rhonda, who is fantastic. It was a very lax interview considering the position and who I was interviewing with. She told me she was a tough person to work for but I've had horrid bosses before and I think she would be a great person to work for. Tough, yes, but for good reason. That interview also went extremely well and she said she would be in contact with me, which could be legit or could mean "don't call us, we'll call you." So I decided to contact her and ask some questions I didn't think of in the interview and also to see if the position had been filled. Thankfully, it had not and it is now down to me and one other girl, and a phone interview on Tuesday will decide my fate. Personally, I think I've got it in the bag, but you never can tell. I don't know who exactly my competition is and how her credentials stack up against mine. What I DO know is that I am going to prepare myself as best I can, show 'em what I got, and make sure my grandmother says a rosary for me. (:

Should this not work out *knock on wood* there are other places I am looking at as well, retail and "office coordinator" positions mostly. It's rather frustrating because the jobs I want and the jobs I went to school for want someone with a Bachelor's degree, but they also want someone with 3 to 5 years experience, which of course I can't get because I haven't worked in that job. I understand cutting costs and promoting within makes sense, but cut us grads a break!!

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