Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anything you can do I can do better... :P

Okay so here's the dealio. I'm supposed to write about Stephens College (of course), so this week I am going to write about why my school is better than yours. :D Now keep in mind, I love Stephens College as much as pink (I know, that's huge) so I'm not saying your school is bad, just not as fantabulous as mine! I mean, MIZZOU boys don't even know our name(s) but if they see Stephens College attire, they already think they're not good enough for us. And you know what? They're probably right. ;)

1. We have security. And no, they don't have black suits, aviators, and ear pieces (although..they should) they do have a golf cart!! (: And they're really nice, and some are cute. (Hey, I'm at an all-girl school, cut me a break!) Don't get me wrong, Stephens is quite safe, but it does get dark here and we are a haunted campus, but that's a story for another time. You can never be too careful. You just call them up, regardless of where you are on campus, and they will walk you back to your dorm building and make sure you are safely inside. Also, if you call them during the day they will let you back in your building/bedroom should you lose your keys. Which I've done..twice.

2. We have ten ideals, which at one time I had memorized. But for those of you who don't know them, here they are...
Oh, whats that? Your school doesn't have ideals? Hmm, that sucks. I suppose you don't have a hymn that talks about these said ideals. No? Man, I'm glad I don't go there.

3. Stephens College offered aviation training for women during WWII so they could become pilots. This "enabled women to move into new, dynamic roles," according to So, not to brag, but we probably secured America's freedom. You're welcome.

4. At most schools, students don't even know the name of their president. Our President, her name's Dianne Lynch by the way, offers students to come visit her, whenever they want, and she offers candy! She's really sweet and her love for her hubby is too adorable for words. When she speaks, it moves me, it really does. Because she understands what Stephens means to us here and since she is a mom, she can give all that motherly advice, but she can't ground you if you don't listen to her.

5. And the last reason is, I'm here. And what could POSSIBLY be better than that??
Ok, just humor me on this one

So thanks, once again, for reading my rambling, babbling, and just straight up talking too much, I appreciate it. :) Hopefully I'll have some awesome new stuff to talk to you about next week. Until then, remember, "Whatever doesn't kill us, makes us hotter." [:

:D :D :D

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