Thursday, September 10, 2009

My First Blog!!

You may be asking yourself what is a Stephens Woman? Well, I'm glad you asked! A Stephens Woman is independent and strong, we are "career-ready women of distinction, connected through a supportive network of alumnae across the world, confident in themselves, and inspired by our tradition of the Ten Ideals as core values that enrich women’s lives." So basically, we're awesome. (:
I'm also supposed to be talking about what I've learned from life as college student. So I'm going to do what I do best: make a list!
1. College is way easier than us students make it out to be. I mean, it's just class and homework, you've been doing that for at least 12 years now, you should be used to it!
2. College is WAY harder than we all think. I mean WHY do teachers give us 638967093485327 surprise assignments, due tomorrow, and a pop quiz? "This is just like the real world." Yea, I don't think so...
3. Moms are smarter than we give them credit for. Well, at least my mom is. I mean, I know she says she has eyes in the back of her head, but I really think she does.
4. You can accomplish far more than you think you can. Okay so this is me going all "deep" on everyone, but really. How many things have you done that you thought a year, a month, a DAY ago that you would never in a million years do? That's what I thought.
5. Don't procrastinate. Don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of this too. This blog assignment was assigned about 10 days ago..oops. But you'll save yourself a lot of headache and worry if you just do it and don't waste time on Facebook/YouTube/Twitter. I do all of those.

So this is my blog for right now. There's way more things that I've learned, but do you really want to read them all right now? Yea, I figured as much. So, in the words of Ron Burgundy, "Stay Classy."

:D :D :D


  1. YAY! lol so I just really wanted to be the first person to comment on you're FABULOUS blog ;) I love the fact that you made a list AND that this page is pink. It just screams SARAH :) As far as what you've said... I totally agree with you. About everything. Keep up the blogging :) I'll be following!

  2. This is definately a Sarah page! Although it is missing sparkles. I'm rather dissapointed in you. I expected better Sarah! :-) Just tidding!(No, for those of you that I'm not related to, tidding is not misspelled. It's a family thing.) Oh, B.T.W. you are not the middle child! There are 5 of us! There are lots of "middle" children in our fam. Blog looks good though.
