Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It's summer time..and it's been forever since I've updated my blog. Here is what has happened in the past couple months:

1. Received my Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship and Business Management with a minor in Special Event Planning.
2. Began as a volunteer with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Champaign to assist with the Chocolate Extravaganza.
3. Started reading Gone With the Wind..which I can appreciate WAY more now then when I attempted to read it in High School.
4. Am now watching an obscene amount of television..which means seeing movies I've never had time to see:
Phantom of the Opera
House Bunny
Madame Bovary
Anna Karenina (sp?)
and lots more black and white movies with random titles that make life seem, if only for 2 hours, happy, romantic, and a little bit more serene.

At first I just thought that I would relax for awhile, find a job, and that would be it. But, as they say, you make plans and God laughs. Finding a job has been more difficult than I thought and so I have aLOT more free time than I bargained for. At first, I was upset because everyone else around me had a job. But then I realized I have been given the opportunity to do what I want to do, now that I have the time available and am living with my parents so I don't have a lot of expenses. (: So now I'm choosing to pursue my hobbies, give back to causes important to me, and learn all that I can about things I WANT to learn about instead of things I SHOULD learn about.

So please, if you have any book/movie titles you think I should be aware of..please, let me know.

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