Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where does the time go...

Well it's hard to believe that it's almost July of 2010. I'll be turning 22 in a couple weeks which makes me feel old and young at the same time. It also makes me ponder what I have accomplished in my "lifetime." I definitely feel I have changed as a person in the past couple years, thanks mostly in part to the AMAZING people I met at Stephens College. The first time I went there I thought it was one of the greatest places I've been, especially considering it's still SCHOOL. ;] Listening to alumnae coming back for the 50-year reunion ((WOW!!)) and hearing them say Stephens was still one of the best parts of their lives lets me know that Stephens is a part of me and I am a part of Stephens. So I've gotten an education..which is great. I've had 2 internships, learned what it is I do and do NOT want to do, got some contacts, made some good friends, and found I really was on the right track. Sometimes I feel as though, compared to some people my age, that I haven't accomplished much. I feel like I should be out changing the world, curing a disease, coming up with some invention that will stand the test of time. Although these are all great and admirable things, I think I may have been thinking too large. First off, it shouldn't matter how my best is compared to everyone else's. If it is my personal best, than it's my personal best and I should be proud of that. Also, I may not be able to make a difference to the WHOLE world, but I can make a difference to someone in my immediate world: a friend, family member, colleague, or even a random stranger. I may not be a famous celebrity and be plastered all over magazines, but I would like to think that the people who DO know me think I'm pretty great, which is celebrity enough for me.

So I guess what I'm saying is that people may have hopes and dreams that they think will take them really far, and they just might. But it really is true what they say: "Shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you will land among the stars."

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